A month already???

Holy Cow! I can't believe it has been a month. Well, it has been very busy out here. We are swimming about 3-4x a week now. All kids are doing great. I have finalized my plans for NJ and are coming August 3 - 12th. Probably in North jersey first half and south jersey second half.

The bird has stopped banging ( I think my neighbor might have shot it, but won't admit it, as those things are frowned upon in cali). Joe and I went to Palm Springs, the desert is really pretty. It was HOT 102 degrees. Hot heat, but nice. I will try to post pics.

I can't believe school is almost over and I have been here a whole school year! Yikes!!! Summer will surely fly as my kids go back August 22nd!!!

Kids are well and when Joe is home, he is too.

love and miss you all.


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