More Pics

Well I finally added more pics. We have been busy as Joe's mom has been here. We have been going everywhere. We have been running around going to the zoo and the movies and the park. I took Joe's mom to old towne today, it is San Diego without borders, it felt like Mexico. It was nice. I have been shuttling the kids everywhere and don't know which way is up. I also had my MRI for my back today. It was nice, I finally got to take an undisturbed nap. Really. I was so relaxed I was about to nod off when they pulled me out of the tube and told me I was done. Who knows. It is actually a little better, but I still can't pick up my babies, and it makes me crazy!!! I've been volunteering at school. Very different here. They let you go into the class and actually help with activies. It's nice. Class mothers here don't do everything, they delegate. I like that!!! So here are some pictures from picture day and Halloween. Love and Miss you
I will call you tomorrow. Bye