
Here is one picture from Halloween. It has taken me so long to post as most of you know I have been on a vicodin and valium vacation. It started on October 12, and has been a crazy ride. A ride including an ambulance ride, two dr's visits and a shot in the ass. Wow! Anyway, they are still not sure what the cause of the extreme lower back pain is, but it is narrowed down to a pinched nerve in my spine or a herniated disc. I have to have an MRI w/contrast next week which will figure out what it is. Not much else has been going on. Joe was a big help taking days off and learning how to shuffle the kids. This is one Halloween pic, I will post individual ones.
Miss you
We are on the Century. We had some excitement . One man comitted suicide. He must have gone overboard. They took three critically ill people off in the middle of the ocean.
Aunt M-E