BIG RANT!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I just need to rant! People in California can not drive. It amazes me, it feels like I am surrounded by blind senior citizens every day everywhere I go. Today, my kids had off school. why? Professional Growth day of course, it is not enough that every Wednesday they have 1/2 day, they needed a full day today. Anyway, so we went to the Pet store to get Cece a new ID tag as the gardener's let her out last week, then we went to Souplantation (very good, soup, salad, pizza, dessert, ice cream, fruti) and to the library. I must have encountered 20+ idiot drivers who don't signal, who drive 2 miles an hour, or just drive like an idiot. I couldn't take it. I can't wait to take my driver's test (yes, I have to take a test, only written though!)

Oh, and my son called me a "mean mom" because I wouldn't give him cookies at 4:30pm.

and once again the f*ing coyotes woke me up!! It is beautiful and I loke to keep my windows open at night, but the price I pay is getting woken by the coyotes!

Pictures are coming....................


Anonymous said…
You weren't kidding when you said big rant ! Just let it out Baby, I bet you feel better now. (my mom always used to say that !!)
Anyway the pictures were great, except I have to say it made me miss you guys even more. I am still waiting for you to get home from your vacation !!! How many more months.........22!
bye for now

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