Hello All! I am trying to figure this out, so along the way I am sure I will make a blunder all two. I created this website as a way for everybody to check in and see what is going on with us in California. Right now, I am not sure who can post and who can not. So first, before I go on and on with all of our current cross country move details, I am going to see if I have done this right.
Bye for now!


Anonymous said…
I hope you make some friends
Anonymous said…
You are a fag!
Anonymous said…
Ok, so my last comment was a BIT harsh. I have a question for you...you say on your home page that you have "no friends and no family" Well then who the heck is going to read your blog? :o) Sorry, couldn't resist!! xoxo
Anyhow, the real reason I got on here is to tell you that I just left you at Eve's and miss you terribly already. xoxo

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